
Hi, I’m Zorian!

I’m a PhD candidate in the Department of Genome Sciences at the University of Washington. I am currently working with Erick Matsen at the Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center. My research interests currently involve the intersection of statistics and machine learning, virology, immunology and evolution. I completed my undergraduate education at Virginia Tech where I obtained degrees in statistics and computational modeling and data analytics (CMDA). I also worked with Leah Johnson and Allison Tegge.

Outside of science and classwork, I love blogging :black_nib: and vlogging :video_camera: (stay tuned for these!) as well as powerlifting :muscle: and playing video games :video_game:! Feel free to connect with me via the links on the sidebar! :relaxed:


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What is this blog?

Hi, I’m Zorian! I also go by Zo and use he/him pronouns. As of writing this, I am just starting my third year as a PhD candidate in the Department of Genome ...